Investors from Norway have stated that they want to invest a manufacturing business in Ethiopia.
An official tour to Turkey and Dubai was made by a delegation that included representatives from several institutions and was led by the Deputy CEO of IPDC, Ato Addisu Mamo, and the Head of Transformation and Chief Executive Office, Ato Fitsum ketema.
IPDC CEO, Aklilu Tadesse held a discussions with higher official of an institution called Switzerland Global Enterprise.
በጅቡቲ የንግድ ሞክር ቤት ፕሬዚዳንት የተከበሩ የሱፍ ሙሳ ዳዋሌህ የተመራ ልዑካን ቡድን የቂሊንጦ እና ቦሌ ለሚ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮችን ጎብኝቷል።