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  • Striving for eco industrial park
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  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Hawassa Industry Park

Hawassa Industry Park

Hawassa Industrial Park is located 275 kilometers from Addis Abeba in Hawassa, the capital of Sidama region. It is one of IPDC-managed industrial parks and is known for manufacturing textiles and apparel.

The park was opened in January 2017 on 140 hectares and contains 52 sheds of different sizes. Each shed is 3000, 5500, or 11000 square meters in area.

More than 23 investors from the United States, China, Ethiopia, India, France, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Indonesia, and South Africa are generating various types of clothing and textiles at Hawassa Industrial Park and will offer their products completely to foreign market.

The park's proximity to Hawassa Airport and favorable climate make it an outstanding investment opportunity. Electricity, water supply, wastewater treatment with a capacity of 11 million liters per day, fire control brigade, police station, clinic service, and 24/7 security service with CCTV cameras.

Customs, Revenue, Ethiopian Investment Commission, Industrial Parks Development Corporation, Electricity Service, Labor and Social Affairs, Shipping and Logistics Services Company, Immigration and Citizenship Affairs, Telecom, Bank, and other government offices located in the park provide investors with efficient services.

In the previous fiscal year, Hawassa Industrial Park engaged over 26,000 individuals and earned more than 90 million US dollars in foreign exchange and produced more than 141 million birr of substitute products for the domestic market.

Two sheds of 11,000 m² and four sheds of 5,500 m² have complete infrastructure in Hawassa Industrial Park, and a total of six sheds are not occupied by investors.

We invite you to be profitable and efficient by investing in our world-class industrial parks.

We make every effort to ensure you're pleasant and lucrative.

Industrial Parks Development Corporation.