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  • Striving for eco industrial park
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  • 2 years, 6 months ago

Debre Berhan and Kombolcha Industrial Parks are being toured by IPDC to various media entities

Debre Berhan and Kombolcha Industrial Parks are being toured by the Industrial Parks Development Corporation to various private and public media entities in Ethiopia.
The visit was attended by more than 15 private and state-run television, radio, and print sources.
The media covered the operations of the manufacturing enterprises that operate in the parks, as well as the investment potential and specifics of the industrial parks' foreign exchange and job generation activities.
During the tour, Boort Malt, a malt manufacturing firm, EK Manufacturing Ethiopia, a textile company, Tribas Ethiopia, and Pungkuk Ethiopia, a clothes and leather bag maker, and Sportswear Company, which is in the process of starting production, were all visited.
During the visit, the executives of the enterprises detailed their operations to the media, and the media professionals' queries were answered.
Debre Berhan Industrial Park Manager Yeshitla Mulugeta and Kombolcha Industrial Park Manager Ahmed Seid briefed the journalists at the conclusion of the trips.
Yeshitla, the manager of the Debre Berhan Industrial Facility, stated that the park had employed over 1,700 people and produced over $ 3.6 million in foreign cash for Ethiopia. He said that the park's lack of infrastructure, such as a road, had caused issues. Finally, he mentions that the industrial park is open to both domestic and international investors interested in land purchase and development.
On his part, Ahmed, the manager of Kombolcha Industrial Property, recounted how the terrorist organization extensively destroyed the park, costing more than half a billion birr, including the park and its industrial enterprises.
With the full cooperation and dedication of Industrial Parks Development Corporation, appropriate government authorities, and other industrial parks, he claimed the Park was able to export $3.4 million worth of products following the damage.
He stated that the park will strive harder this budget year to meet its target of earning more than 13 million USD in foreign exchange.
Finally, the media professionals asked detailed questions and were informed by the managers based on the important issues mentioned by the managers.
The Industrial Parks Development Corporation conducted a media tour for two days at Debre Berhan and Kombolcha Industrial Park.